
Showing posts from May, 2024

Hay Festival Reading, 1st June 2024

My book 'East of the Sun, West of the Moon', published by Seren Books was sold out at the Hay Festival bookshop 24 hours before I was due to read on the Saturday. I am truly grateful. Those who missed out, here is the link to buy copies: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once again I am delighted to be reading at Hay Festival on the 1st June at the 'Writers at Work' tent. The event is sold out as I write, however, tickets may be added to wish list: It was a huge honour to have been chosen to be the one of the ten 'Writers at Work' in 2023 and the experience of being immersed in so much writing and book related events changed me as a writer. So once again it is lovely to be invited back as an alumni this year to perform in front of ...

Nation Cymru review of 'East of the Sun, West of the Moon'

 Many thanks to CJ Wagstaff for writing such a detailed and generous review of 'East of the Sun, West of the Moon' for Nation Cymru:

Buzz Magazine review of 'East of the Sun, West of the Moon'

Many thanks to Mab Jones for reviewing my poetry collection 'East of the Sun, West of the Moon' published by Seren Books:

Reading at Aberystwyth Poetry Festival (4th May 2024)

I am delighted to be reading at the Aberystwyth Poetry Fesrival on Saturday 4th May, 11 am. The reading follows a question and answer session about writing about climate change and preserving local habiats. Many thanks to the Bookshop by the Sea in Aberystwyth for organising the festival and for inviting me.   Tickets and the full line up of events can be seen on the festival website: